Day 2: Friday January 27

[ Thu Jan 26] [ Fri Jan 27] [compact]

Room 558 Room 559 Room 530 Room 531
09:15   Lamoraalzaal: IEEE EMBS keynote lecture by Michela Chiappalone
Chair: Massimo Mischi
Neurons in the loop: a journey from Neurorobotics to Neuroprosthetics
Michela Chiappalone
10:00   Poster session 2 (Odd numbers)

54 presentations, click to view all
11:30   Onco
Chair: Massimo Mischi
Proof-of-concept of a reusable metal heat and moisture exchanger
Maartje Leemans, Maarten van Alphen, Saar Muller, Boris van Putten, Bas Koper, Richard Dirven, Michiel van den Brekel
Design and ex-vivo evaluation of a wasp-inspired needle for prostate cancer treatment
Jette Bloemberg, Fabian Trauzettel, Dimitra Dodou, Paul Breedveld
Computer-aided decision support and 3D models in pancreatic cancer surgery
Diederik Rasenberg, Mark Ramaekers, Misha Luyer
Liquid biopsy-based decision support algorithms for diagnosis and subtyping of lung cancer
Esther Visser, Sylvia Genet, Remco de Kock, Ben van den Borne, Maggy Youssef-El Soud, Huub Belderbos, Gerben Stege, Marleen de Saegher, Susan van 't Westeinde, Luc Brunsveld, Maarten Broeren, Daan van de Kerkhof, Birgit Deiman, Federica Eduati, Volkher Scharnhorst
Development of an in-vitro analysis tool to study the impact of the catheter tip location on particle distribution during radioembolization
Jan van der Hoek, Tess Snoeijink, Hadi Mirgolbabaee, Erik Groot Jebbink
Steerable needles enable high-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy for patients with pubic arch interference
Martijn de Vries, Miranda Christianen, Lorne Luthart, Kim de Vries, Inger-Karine Kolkman-Deurloo, John van den Dobbelsteen
11:30   Vascular - II
Chair: Frank Gijsen
Impact of catheter movement during Transarterial Radioembolization Treatment, an in vitro analysis
Tess Snoeijink, Jan van der Hoek, Hadi Mirgolbabaee, Frank Nijsen, Erik Groot Jebbink
Using a tissue-engineered model to investigate the impact of collagen orientation on the local mechanical behavior of atherosclerotic plaque caps
Hanneke Crielaard, Tamar Wissing, Su Guvenir Torun, Pablo de Miguel Muñoz, Gert-Jan Kremers, Frank Gijsen, Ali Akyildiz, Kim van der Heiden
Equivariant wall shear stress estimation on the Coronary artery wall
Julian Suk
Ultrasound-based fluid-structure interaction modeling of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: model complexity and personalization
Judith Fonken, Eline van Engelen, Esther Maas, Arjet Nievergeld, Marc van Sambeek, Frans van de Vosse, Richard Lopata
Constituent-based quasi-linear viscoelasticity: Capturing non-linear viscoelasticity with quasi-linear models
Alessandro Giudici, Koen van der Laan, Myrthe van der Bruggen, Shaiv Parikh, Eline Berends, Sébastien Foulquier, Tammo Delhaas, Koen Reesink, Bart Spronck
Personalized region-specific characterization of abdominal aortic aneurysms using 4D ultrasound and modified virtual fields method
Mirunalini Thirugnanasambandam, Esther Maas, Arjet Nievergeld, Marc van Sambeek, Stephane Avril, Richard Lopata
11:30   MSK & Sweat sensing
Chair: Richard Lopata
Stretch hyperreflexia during Gait in children with cerebral palsy using dynamic ultrasound imaging
Eline Flux, Babette Mooijekind, Lynn Bar-On, Edwin van Asseldonk, Annemieke Buizer, Marjolein van der Krogt
Determining stress relaxation of trabecular bone to simulate realistic press-fit conditions of cementless orthopaedic implants
Thomas Gersie, Thom Bitter, David Wolfson, Robert Freeman, Nico Verdonschot, Dennis Janssen
Musculoskeletal shoulder loads during different bench press variations
Lisa Noteboom, Marco Hoozemans, DirkJan Veeger, Frans Van der Helm
Blood glucose prediction based on sweat sensing by modeling the transport mechanism of glucose
Xiaoyu Yin, Elisabetta Peri, Eduard Pelssers, Jaap den Toonder, Massimo Mischi
Analysis of sweat gland activity for improved monitoring of sweat biomarkers
Jelte Haakma, Elisabetta Peri, Simona Turco, Emma Moonen, Eduard Pelssers, Jaap Den Toonder, Massiom Mischi
Joint stiffness estimation via EMG-driven muscoloskeletal modeling
Christopher Pablo Cop, Alfred Schouten, Bart Koopman, Massimo Sartori
11:30   Wearable
Chair: Tim Boers
Physical activity patterns of patients with chronic low back pain and central sensitization: Insights from a machine learning method
Xiaoping Zheng, Michiel Reneman, Bert Otten, Claudine Lamoth
3D printed graded porous force and strain sensors for wearable sensing applications
Nick Willemstein, Ali Sadeghi, Herman van der Kooij
Classification of symptomatic rheumatic heart disease from wearable single-lead ECG signals
Amsalu Tomas Chuma Chuma, Carolina Varon, Desalew Mekonnen, Melkamu Hunegnaw, Rik Willems, Bart Vanrumste
Measuring cerebral oxygenation (NIRS) to monitor orthostatic hypotension
Marjolein Klop, Rianne de Heus, Andrea Maier, Carel Meskers, Jurgen Claassen, Richard van Wezel
Textile-embedded multi-channel electromyography and musculoskeletal modeling to support clinical decision-making
Donatella Simonetti, Bart Koopman, Massimo Sartori
Using 2D CNN to detect tonic-clonic seizures based on accelerometer and photoplethysmography signals
Chunjiao Dong, Johannes van Dijk, Xi Long, Ronald M. Aarts
13:00   LUNCH
14:00   Brain
Chair: Sofia-Eirini Kotti
Enabling large-scale seizure detection with a tensor-network Kalman filter for LS-SVM
Seline de Rooij, Kim Batselier, Borbála Hunyadi
Influence of anisotropic electrical conductivity in white matter tissue on the EEG source reconstruction accuracy
Stefan Dukic, Boudewijn T.H.M. Sleutjes, Leonard H. van den Berg
Near-infrared spectroscopy for the measurement of cerebral autoregulation during carotid end-arterectomy (NICACEA-study) – initial experiences
Nick Eleveld, Gea Drost, Anthony Absalom, Clark Zeebregts, Jean-Paul de Vries, Natasha Maurits, Jan Willem Elting
Prediction of depression symptom improvement based on multi-echo functional MRI
Jesper Pilmeyer, Rolf Lamerichs, Marcel Breeuwer, Sveta Zinger
Modeling and inference of dynamic functional connectivity networks from functional ultrasound data
Ruben Wijnands, Justin Dauwels, Ines Serra, Pieter Kruizinga, Aleksandra Badura, Borbála Hunyadi
Simulation of electric fields for dual-site transcranial alternating current stimulation in motor cortices
Silvana Huertas-Penen, Marieke Rona, Tjitske Heida, Bettina C. Schwab
14:00   Vascular III
Chair: Jolanda Wentzel
Ultrafast Doppler diverging wave imaging of coronary flow under rapid tissue motion – Phantom experiments
Yizhou Huang, Emilia Badescu, Ruud van den Sloun, Massimo Mischi
A mechanical implant to control flow of blood through an arteriovenous conduit
Nicholas White, Koen van der Bogt, Joris Rotmans, Tim Horeman
3D ultrasound-based mechanical and geometrical analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysms relating to growth
Esther Maas, Arjet Nievergeld, Judith Fonken, Mirunalini Thirugnanasambandam, Marc van Sambeek, Richard Lopata
Ultrasound shear wave elastography in the Carotid arteries: applications, results and future perspectives
Judith Pruijssen, Stein Fekkes, Chris de Korte, Rik Hansen
Multi-perspective bistatic 2-D and 3-D ultrasound acquisitions and strain imaging of abdominal aortas
Hein de Hoop, Vera van Hal, Marieke Vermeulen, Hans-Martin Schwab, Richard Lopata
In-vitro investigation of the impact of monodisperse microbubble size on contrast-enhanced ultrasound super-localization imaging
Peiran Chen, Andreas Pollet, Simona Turco, Miguel de Vargas, Lisa te Winkel, Wim van Hoeve, Jaap den Toonder, Hessel Wijkstra, Massimo Mischi
14:00   Rehabilitation
Chair: Gabrielle Tuijthof
Elbow joint loads during eight simulated activities of daily living: effect of post-operative instruction
Roos GA Duijn, Daniëlle Meijering, Riemer JK Vegter, Friederike Albers, Alexander L Boerboom, Denise Eygendaal, Sjoerd K Bulstra, Michel PJ Bekerom, Claudine CJ Lamouth, Martin Stevens, Reslin Schelhaas, Alessio Murgia
Hyper-realistic multisensory robotic neurorehabilitation
Laura Marchal-Crespo
Smart hip implants
Helene Noordhuis, Claudine Lamoth, Paul Jutte, Charissa Roossien
Design requirements for upper extremity support for home use in people with severely impaired arm function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Suzanne Filius, Jaap Harlaar, Herman van der Kooij, Mariska Janssen
Comparing four compensation strategies for an active elbow support, an exploratory pilot study in healthy subjects
Suzanne Filius, Mariska Janssen, Herman van der Kooij, Jaap Harlaar
Heroes, an exergame for stroke patients to train stepping responses at home
Aurora Ruiz-Rodríguez, Lotte Hagedoorn, Vivian Weerdesteyn, Hermie Hermens, Edwin van Asseldonk
14:00   Surgery & Intervention
Chair: Jenny Dankelman
Real-time tissue feedback for spine surgery using a customized fiber optic probe
Merle S. Losch, Jenny Dankelman, Benno H. W. Hendriks
Estimation of hepatic respiratory-induced motion using an RGB-D camera as a surrogate
Ana Cordon Cordon, Yoeko Mak, Momen Abayazid
Optimization of edge enhancement in endoscopic systems to the perception of ENT-professionals
Geert Geleijnse, Laura Veder, Marieke Hakkesteegt, Jet de Gier, Bernd Rieger, Mick Metselaar
Augmented reality image guidance for minimally invasive craniosynostosis surgery
Abdullah Thabit, ohamed Benmahdjoub, Marie-lise van Veelen, Wiro Niessen, Eppo Wolvius, Theo van Walsum
Towards safer-and more efficient remote liver needle insertion with haptic feedback
Mostafa Selim, Anne Verhoef, Momen Abayazid
Biomedical Engineering for Global Health Design of a laparoscope using a USB camera to support the global implementation of minimally invasive surgery
Roos Oosting, Jenny Dankelman
15:30   Lamoraalzaal: 1-minute poster pitches
Chair: Natasha Maurits
15:45   Lamoraalzaal: Henk Stassen award winner presentation
Chair: Natasha Maurits
16:15   Lamoraalzaal: Award ceremony & Closure
Chair: Natasha Maurits