Personal Program]
15 mins
Towards safer-and more efficient remote liver needle insertion with haptic feedback
Mostafa Selim, Anne Verhoef, Momen Abayazid
Session: Surgery & Intervention
Session starts: Friday 27 January, 14:00
Presentation starts: 15:00
Room: Room 531
Mostafa Selim ()
Anne Verhoef ()
Momen Abayazid ()
One of the most challenging medical procedures involves operating on the liver because of its
complex features, mechanical properties, and continuous movement. Remote needle insertion
for the liver and general medical procedures using haptic feedback are uncommon. The required
training, safety considerations, and technological feasibility are some challenges to
implementing such a feature. Stability and transparency are the main challenges of any haptic
device in a teleoperated system. These make it challenging to develop a safe and efficient
system that suits the physician's needs in liver needle insertion procedures, not damaging
healthy tissues, and extracting correct samples. [1] [2] [3]
The work aims to investigate whether teleoperation with haptic feedback potentially improves
the efficiency and safety of the liver needle insertion procedure compared to conventional
methods. We conducted a study to look into state-of-the-art haptic device technologies, and
then we developed a prototype to test the hypothesis.
The 1 DOF pneumatic haptic device provides kinesthetic feedback to perform the needle
insertion remotely to investigate the added value of haptic feedback. It consists of a joystick to
control the needle position and two soft pneumatic actuators assembled into a ring, which
provides force feedback. The device can be used for multiple procedures, such as biopsies and
ablation. The design requirements were investigated by conducting experiments in different
operating conditions and evaluating the potentiometer and the force sensor measurements.
The results showed that the haptic device can be controlled to generate forces up to 20 N with
keeping track of the handle position in real-time. Future work will include integrating this
device with a replica needle insertion device and a force sensor to send the signal to the haptic
device. Moreover, we will evaluate the system's transparency by comparing the force signal
provided by the replica and the one felt by the user. Finally, mechanical stops and
environmental awareness algorithms will be integrated into the system to guarantee safety.