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Development of an in-vitro analysis tool to study the impact of the catheter tip location on particle distribution during radioembolization
Jan van der Hoek, Tess Snoeijink, Hadi Mirgolbabaee, Erik Groot Jebbink
Session: Onco
Session starts: Friday 27 January, 11:30
Presentation starts: 12:30
Room: Room 558

Jan van der Hoek (University of Twente - M3I)
Tess Snoeijink (University of Twente - M3I)
Hadi Mirgolbabaee (University of Twente - M3I)
Erik Groot Jebbink (University of Twente - M3I)

Introduction: Radioebolization is an established treatment method that is applied for non-resectable liver cancer. In this treatment method, radioactive particles are injected into one of the larger blood vessels by a microcatheter. The particles travel downstream towards the microvasculature, where they embolize and irradiate liver malignancies over time [1]. Unfortunately, many parameters can impact the clinical outcome of radioembolization that are not yet fully understood. Recently, Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFD) studies have shown that the catheter tip location within the arterial cross-section has a major impact on the downstream microparticle distribution [2-4]. While the results offer much insight, validation is still required. This work presents an overview of a developed in-vitro setup that allows for a highly accurate placement and mapping of a microcatheter to enable replication of the CFD studies. Method: An in-vitro setup was built around a symmetrical, 2D hepatic artery phantom, that bifurcates three times into a total of eight outlets. A controlled injection at a specific radial location is realized by using a rigid capillary pipe mounted in an injection device. The catheter tip location is placed accurately using two cameras for the top and side view (Logitech BRIO, Lausanne, Switzerland). By using a colour threshold segmentation algorithm on the video footage of the experiments, detailed information about the catheter tip location and movement is obtained and presented in catheter tip heat maps. Results: Comparison of the heat maps show a catheter cross-sectional placement within 0.1mm of the desired location for all experiments. Moreover, the heat maps quantify the movement of the catheter tip during a cardiac cycle, visible by a slight deviation of the location during the systolic phase. Conclusion: The accurate placement of the catheter allows for a controlled in-vitro test environment to test catheter injection parameters. Together with a quantification of the catheter movement, comparison with numerical results becomes more straightforward. References: [1] Salem R. et al., Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2013 [2] Basciano et al., Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2010 [3] Kleinstreuer et al., World Journal of Clinical Cases, 2014 [4] Bomberna et al., Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 2020