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15 mins
Design and ex-vivo evaluation of a wasp-inspired needle for prostate cancer treatment
Jette Bloemberg, Fabian Trauzettel, Dimitra Dodou, Paul Breedveld
Session: Onco
Session starts: Friday 27 January, 11:30
Presentation starts: 11:45
Room: Room 558

Jette Bloemberg (Bio-Inspired Technology Group (BITE), Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands)
Fabian Trauzettel ()
Dimitra Dodou ()
Paul Breedveld ()

Introduction: Prostate cancer treatments such as radical surgery and radiotherapy damage the cancer cells and the surrounding tissue, resulting in negative side effects. When prostate cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, local treatment via focal therapy is possible. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided focal laser ablation to treat prostate cancer reduces side effects by preserving noncancerous tissue. Focal laser ablation requires a needle for positioning an optical fibre near the tumour. The insertion of a needle by pushing the needle into the tissue causes tissue motion, deformation, and damage. However, there may be an alternative; this study presents a wasp-inspired needle that can be inserted into prostate tissue with a zero external push force. The female parasitic wasp has a tube-like ovipositor that consists of parallel valves, which she slides back and forth to drill into wood with a zero external push force. Materials and methods: This study proposes an MRI-ready actuation system for an ovipositor-inspired needle that allows for insertion into tissue with zero external push force, without buckling and with the possibility of steering. The friction difference between the retracted and protruded parallel needle segments and the surrounding tissue initiates the needle’s self-propelling motion. We designed a manual actuator that drives six parallel needle segments that move independently in a reciprocating manner using a single input motion that is safe to use inside the MRI scanner. Our prototype of the manual actuator and the needle consists of 3D-printed parts and nitinol rods. We evaluated the needle performance in ex vivo human prostate tissue inside a preclinical MRI scanner. Results: The experimental evaluation of the prototype in ex vivo human prostate tissue showed that the needle tip was visible in MR images and that the needle could self-propel through prostate tissue. Discussion and conclusion: Our MRI-compatible design allows using a self-propelled steerable needle for minimally invasive MRI-guided procedures. The operator can track the needle on the MR image during the procedure, which allows for precise positioning. This study is a step towards developing a self-propelling needle for MRI-guided laser ablation to treat prostate cancer.