Personal Program]
15 mins
Proof-of-concept of a reusable metal heat and moisture exchanger
Maartje Leemans, Maarten van Alphen, Saar Muller, Boris van Putten, Bas Koper, Richard Dirven, Michiel van den Brekel
Session: Onco
Session starts: Friday 27 January, 11:30
Presentation starts: 11:30
Room: Room 558
Maartje Leemans (Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)
Maarten van Alphen (Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)
Saar Muller (Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)
Boris van Putten (Mobius 3D Technologies)
Bas Koper (Mobius 3D Technologies)
Richard Dirven (Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)
Michiel van den Brekel (Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)
Background: Optimal humidification by small passive Heat and Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) with low breathing resistance is crucial to diminish pulmonary complaints in patients with a tracheostomy or permanent tracheostoma after total laryngectomy. Current HMEs, consisting of a plastic cassette and foam core coated with hygroscopic salt, are marketed as disposables to ensure optimal functionality.1 However, the humidification performance of current disposable HMEs is not yet comparable to that of the normal upper respiratory tract, and full compliance has not been achieved in all patients.2,3 Therefore, pulmonary complaints remain prominent in this patient group, having a significant effect on their quality of life.4 Increasing the HME’s heat capacity is the most critical parameter to improve the HME’s performance.2 However, implementation within the current disposable HME design is not straightforward due to the trade-off between the HME’s performance, breathing resistance and dimensions, and consequently patient acceptance and compliance. We hypothesize that metal
3D printing can increase the heat capacity of the HME, thus improving the humidification performance and durability of HMEs while maintaining acceptable breathing resistance and size.
Methods: The humidification performance (water exchange) and breathing resistance of three stainless steel HME prototypes with different core designs and exterior dimensions comparable to available disposable HMEs were measured under standardized conditions.
Results: All HME prototypes are heavier but have a better humidification performance than the disposable HMEs under ambient conditions. The breathing resistance of the metal HME prototypes is in a similar range as the breathing resistance of the disposable HME.
Conclusions: A 3D-printed all-metal HME has the potential to provide a better-performing and durable alternative to disposable HMEs. Because the performance of the metal HME does not rely on a coating of hygroscopic salt, it is possible to clean and reuse the metal HME several times with a minimal loss of performance and functionality.